Wired-lehti kirjoittaa Libyan kansalaisten internet- ja puhelinvalvonnasta Gaddafin aikana:

And the Human Rights Watch photos also clearly show a manual for a satellite phone monitoring system sold by a subsidiary of L-3 Communications, a defense conglomerate based in New York. (Amesys, VASTech, ZTE and Narus did not respond to multiple interview requests; L-3 declined to comment.)


Jostain syystä lukijoiden kommentit ovat aika hämmentäviä.


Henkilökohtaisia hyökkäyksiä yhtä artikkelissa haastateltua kohtaan:

Ghaida al-Tawati has used the events in a clever way to convert her self
into a victim, but all Libyans know her very well, one of her leaked
Skype conversation mentioned my name exposing that her conspiracy to
threat my life personally because she didn't like my opinions which they
are not political at all.


I don’t believe a shit of what she has claimed. Being a Libyan all of my life, we have never known her nor heard of her name. Should one knows Khadafy and his prudent, he would not believe a word of what she has said in this story. After Tripoli has been freed, she jumps on interviews and has been accusing so many people of wrong doing though they all innocent.



Asiakommentit jyrätään kunnolla:

 nice try NATO rat.


Funny thing you've decided to hide behind an anonymous name?

Järkeäkin onneksi löytyy:

This is an article about Libya's government surveillance of communications during Gaddafi's rule.  Ghaida al-Tawati was interviewed and is quoted because she's relevant to such a discussion.

Obviously, you have personal issues with this person.  I don't care about your personal issues.  I do care about the national and international issues under discussion.

Unfortunately, when you use this space to trash talk Ghaida al-Tawati you muddy the issue.  I don't care if you like her.  I don't care if she's likeable.  I don't care whether she's important.  none of those are the issues that compelled me to read this article.  So your comment does me and the article's author a disservice -- it makes the issue less clear. 

Let's use this space to talk about government surveillance.  If you want to trash talk Ghaida al-Tawati start a wordpress account or something.